Anchorage - Alaskan Maritime Hub - Alaska Maritime Personal Injury

The Port of Anchorage is the main connecting point between Alaska and the rest of the United States, with most commerce at least passing through the city on its way to citizens throughout the state. Located just northwest of the downtown area, it is a deep-water port with both bulk carrier petroleum berths, which are linked to fuel pipelines and railroad, airline, and trucking routes.
The Port of Anchorage isn’t so much a fishing hub as it is a commodities, industrial, travel, and tourism hub, including some cruise ship traffic during the summer, although there is access to sport and charter fishing in Anchorage.
The city of Anchorage is a modern city situated in the midst of the Alaskan wilderness, comprising a civic center, sports arena, performing arts center, a thriving business district with skyscrapers, and busy international airport. Anchorage is steeped in maritime history. From seamen to fishermen, crabbers, oil rig workers, longshoremen and cannery employees, many Stacey & Jacobsen, PLLC clients live and work in Anchorage and in the neighboring maritime and fishing communities.
Some of the many vessels working the waters near Anchorage include cargo carriers, fuel tankers, cement and industrial material carriers, pipe ships, cruise ships, ferries, tugs and barges, and fishing vessels. Injuries can happen even on the most seaworthy vessels, and in most cases when a seaman is injured in the service of a vessel, the seaman has the right to the employer paying maintenance and cure. “Maintenance” is the basic daily living expense, and “cure” is all reasonable medical expenses until maximum medical cure has been reached. If the injury is due to unseaworthiness or other negligence, then you have other rights, as well.
Our attorneys at Stacey & Jacobsen, PLLC are licensed to practice law in Alaska, as well as in Washington and Oregon. If you have been injured while working on a vessel near Anchorage, or on a vessel anywhere in Alaska, and want to understand and ensure your rights, call us for a free initial consultation. Protecting the rights of injured seamen and ensuring fair compensation is what we have been doing for over 25 years.